Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Half-time (and we're not talking football)

The continuing decline in the Arizona State Library Archives and Public Records is accelerating now that I have been placed on half-time along with several co-workers. I can hold out for a little more than a month, but it looks as if it will come to an end for all of us regardless by the end of the fiscal year.

I am going to take my family to Texas to explore my options as I now have a bunch of applications turned in for libraries across the Lone State State. I only hoped that the half-time would have occurred in May which would have let my Joseph complete Kindergarten here.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Arizona setting?

Well folks, it looks as if my time here in Arizona might be coming to an end. We had a division meeting at the library where our division director told us that the furloughs we have been taking for the last month won't meet the budget shortfall that has arisen.

I am hoping that the layoffs will not occur until the end of May so that my son Joseph can finish Kindergarten and then we can head out to Texas where some of my brothers live. I have been applying for library jobs throughout the state so keep me in prayer. I am getting a little tired now of moving around the country which I have been doing since I was a boy. I am 46 now so i hope I will only do a few more moves before I settle down.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Sad news on the job front

Well folks, it looks as if my days at the Arizona State Library Archives and Public Records are coming to an end. The budget cutbacks have had a devastating effect on the library budget and with a larger deficit to close next fiscal year, the library where I work may not exist.

I love the Grand Canyon State and I don't wish to leave, but I have to go where I can support my family.

I am looking to explore options so keep me in your prayers.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Snowy DC trip

Well, I was off to DC this past week where they caught their first significant snowfall of the season. I was able to meet with a few congressmen and explore the museums that DC had to offer plus visiting my favorite place The Library of Congress where I obtained my researcher's card. Nice trip!!